Exact Combinatorial Optimisation with Deep Reinforcement Learning



A blog post covering our recent publication: Christopher W. F. Parsonson, Alexandre Laterre, and Thomas D. Barrett, ‘Reinforcement Learning for Branch-and-Bound Optimisation using Retrospective Trajectories’, AAAI’23: Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023 

Branch-and-bound solvers for combinatorial optimisation

Formally, ‘combinatorial optimisation’ (CO) problems consider the task of assigning integer values to a set of discrete decision variables, subject to a set of constraints, such that some objective is optimised. In practice, this is an important problem class arising in many areas underpinning our everyday lives, from logistics and portfolio optimisation to high performance computing and protein folding.

Whilst many combinatorial problems fall into the NP-hard complexity category (the hardest-to-solve problems in computer science), there are exact solvers available (i.e. those guaranteed to eventually find the optimal solution), with the famous branch-and-bound algorithm standing out as the de facto leading approach.

Proposed in 1960, branch-and-bound is a collection of heuristics which increasingly tightens bounds on the possible values of the decision variables in which an optimal solution can reside until, eventually, only a single (provably optimal) solution is found. It typically uses a search tree, where each node represents a different set of constraints on the variables, along with the corresponding bounds on the objective value. An edge represents ‘partition conditions’ (the added constraints) between nodes. As summarised in Fig. 1, at each step in the algorithm, branch-and-bound performs the following stages: (1) Select a node in the tree. (2) Select (‘branch on’) a variable to tighten the bounds on the sub-problem’s solution space by adding constraints either side of the variable’s current value, generating two child nodes with smaller solution spaces. (3) For each child, solve the dual (integer constraints relaxed) and, where appropriate, the primal (integer constraints applied) problems. (4) Fathom (block off from further exploration) any children which provably cannot contain an integer-feasible solution better than the incumbent. This process is repeated until a provably optimal solution to the original problem is found.

Fig. 1:  Typical four-stage procedure iteratively repeated by branch-and-bound to solve a CO problem. Each node represents a sub-problem derived from the original problem being solved, and each edge represents the constraint added to derive a new child node from a given parent. Each node is labelled with the decision variable values of the solved relaxed (integer constraints removed) sub-problem on the right hand side, the corresponding dual bound in the centre, and the established primal bound beneath. Each edge is labelled with the introduced constraint to generate the child node. Green dotted outlines are used to indicate which node and variable were selected in stages (1) and (2) to lead to stages (3) and (4). The global primal (P) and dual (D) bounds are increasingly constrained by repeating stages one to four until P and D are equal, at which point a provably optimal solution will have been found. Note that for clarity we only show the detailed information needed at each stage, but that this does not indicate any change to the state of the tree.

The above heuristics (i.e. the primal, branching, and node selection methods) at each stage jointly determine the performance of branch-and-bound. Among the most important of these to solve efficiency and scalability is branching (which variable to use to partition the focus node’s search space), and was the focus of our work.

Applying machine learning to branch-and-bound solvers

Most state-of-the-art branching algorithms are hand-crafted heuristics which use indicators such as previous branching success and one-step lookaheads to estimate which variable is most promising to branch on in a given state. However, there is no known ‘optimal’ branching policy, and the most performant of these heuristics are too computationally intensive to be used for solving practical problems. Learning high-quality but computationally-fast heuristics with machine learning is therefore an attractive proposition.

To date, the most successful approach to learning-to-branch has been imitation learning with a graph neural network. Concretely, as shown in Fig. 2, the variables and constraints of the focus node (sub-problem) being branched at are represented as a bipartite graph. A graph neural network is then trained to take this encoded bipartite state as input and predict which variable a strong but computationally slow expert branching heuristic would have chosen. The expert imitated is typically strong branching; the best-known algorithm for making the highest quality branching decisions and minimising the final tree size. Imitation learning has been able to get close to the decision quality of this expert. However, the imitation agent avoids the need to explicitly execute computationally expensive operations and instead performs one neural network forward pass to select a branching candidate. Consequently, imitation learning has achieved dramatically faster per-step inference times, reducing the overall branch-and-bound solve time by orders of magnitude relative to the strong branching expert it learned from.

Fig. 2: Graph neural network architecture used to select a variable to branch on, taking a bipartite graph representation of the search tree node (sub-problem) in focus as input and outputting the predicted scores for each variable.

The drawbacks of using imitation learning include needing an expensive data labelling phase, the maximum attainable decision quality being capped by that of the sub-optimal expert being imitated, and the inability to maximise the performance of an expressivity-constrained neural network. Reinforcement learning (RL) can address these shortcomings with the potential to learn novel branching policies from scratch which can exceed the performance of human-designed heuristics. However, prior attempts to apply RL to branching have struggled to cope with the large state-action spaces, partial observability, and long episodes which result in reward sparsity, difficult credit assignment, and high variance returns.

‘Retro branching’: Our method for training state-of-the-art RL branch-and-bound solvers

To alleviate the issues of long episodes, large state-action spaces, and partial observability, we propose retro branching (see Fig. 3). During training, we first solve the problem with branch-and-bound as usual but, before storing the episode transitions for the agent to learn from, we retrospectively select each subsequent state transition to construct multiple trajectories from the original episode. Each trajectory consists of sequential nodes within a single sub-tree, allowing the brancher to learn from shorter trajectories with lower return variance and more predictable future states. Whilst the state-action space is still large, the shorter trajectories implicitly define more immediate auxiliary objectives relative to the tree. This reduces the difficulty of exploration since shorter trajectory returns will have a higher probability of being improved upon via stochastic action sampling than when a single long episode is considered. Furthermore, retro branching is compatible with any node selection heuristic, enabling it to be applied to complex combinatorial problems which require sophisticated node selection policies for branch-and-bound to be useful.

Fig. 3: The proposed retro branching approach used during training. Each node is labelled with: Top: The unique ID assigned when it was added to the tree, and (where applicable); bottom: The step number (preceded by a ‘#’) at which it was visited by the brancher in the original Markov decision process (MDP). The MILP is first solved with the brancher and the B&B tree stored as usual (forming the ‘original episode’). Then, ignoring any nodes never visited by the agent, the nodes are added to trajectories using some ‘construction heuristic’ (see Sections 4 and 6) until each eligible node has been added to one, and only one, trajectory. Crucially, the order of the sequential states within a given trajectory may differ from the state visitation order of the original episode, but all states within the trajectory will be within the same sub-tree. These trajectories are then used for training.

We evaluated our approach on four combinatorial tasks (set covering, combinatorial auction, capacitated facility location, and maximum independent set). As shown in Fig. 4, retro branching outperformed the previous state-of-the-art RL branching algorithm, FMSTS, by 3-5x, and came within 20% of the best imitation learning method’s performance.

Fig. 4: Retro branching performance, as measured by the total number of tree nodes, relative to the baseline branching heuristics. The baselines compared to include ‘Original’ (RL with retrospective trajectories ablated), Random, ‘FMSTS’ (Fitting for Minimising the Sub-Tree Size; the previous state-of-the-art RL branching algorithm) with and without DFS (depth-first search) node selection, ‘PB’ (pseudocost branching; a simple but computationally fast heuristic) ‘Retro’ (our agent), ‘IL’ (imitation learning; the state-of-the-art ML method), and ‘SB’ (strong branching; the branching heuristic with the highest decision quality which was also the expert learned from by the imitation agent).

We believe that this work is an important step towards developing RL agents capable of discovering branching policies which exceed the performance of the best known heuristics today. However, exceeding the performance of imitation agents and the most performant branching heuristics with RL remains an open challenge. Promising areas of further work include combining node and variable selection to reduce partial observability, designing a reward function which accounts for the highly variable influence of branching decisions at different levels in the tree, and going beyond stochastic exploration to increase the likelihood of discovering improved trajectories in large state-action spaces.

All code associated with this project has been open sourced on GitHub.

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