(Part 2/4)
In our introduction to meta-reinforcement learning, we presented the main concepts of meta-RL:
- Meta-Environments are associated with a distribution of distinct MDPs called tasks.
- The goal of Meta-RL is to learn to leverage prior experience to adapt quickly to new tasks.
- In Meta-RL, we learn an algorithm during a step called meta-training. At meta-testing, we apply this algorithm to learn a near-optimal policy.
Previous post: A simple introduction to Meta-Reinforcement Learning
In this post, we introduce our first Meta-RL algorithm: MAML (Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation of Deep Networks). With MAML, you can train agents that quickly adapt in almost any dense-reward environment. Let’s detail how it works.
Transfer Learning and Multi-Task Learning
From fine-tuning to MAML
The first natural way to learn a new task is to use transfer learning via fine-tuning (e.g. fine-tuning of a ResNet trained on ImageNet). However, these methods still require a large amount of data and are not suitable for fast few-shot adaptation. Moreover, in meta-learning, we have a distribution of meta-training tasks instead of a single task. Therefore, another method might be to do multi-task learning, i.e. train an optimal policy over all these tasks before doing a fine-tuning adaptation. Hence, the policy should optimise the objective


before applying n steps of fine-tuning adaptation:

Again, a major flaw of this method is that the initial parameter θ is optimised to maximise the average return over all tasks but does not guarantee any fast adaptation. Can we find a better initialisation?
This is where MAML [9] comes into play. Can we directly optimise the initialisation parameter to guarantee good adaptation? In MAML, the parameters of the model are explicitly trained to provide a high performance after fine-tuning via gradient descent. Let’s see how we can do that!
MAML Algorithm
Meta-testing goal
Before explaining how to train MAML (meta-training), let’s define what we would expect at meta-test time. Considering that we have found a good initialisation parameter θ from which we can perform efficient one-shot adaptation, and given a new task, the new parameter θ’, obtained by gradient descent, should achieve a good performance on the new task. The figure below illustrates how MAML should work at meta-test time. We are looking for a pretrained parameter that can reach near-optimal parameters for every task in one (or a few) gradient step(s)

So now, we know what our meta-testing algorithm should look like. Therefore, given a learning rate α for the fine-tuning step, θ should minimise

Optimising this objective is the goal of the meta-training procedure. This objective is differentiable and the gradient is:

Therefore, we can minimise the objective using policy gradient methods:

This figure illustrates how MAML works during meta-training:

The meta-training algorithm is divided into two parts:
- Firstly, for a given set of tasks, we sample multiple trajectories using θ and update the parameter using one (or multiple) gradient step(s) of the policy gradient objective. This is called the inner loop.
- Second, for the same tasks, we sample multiple trajectories from the updated parameters θ’ and backpropagate to θ the gradient of the policy objective. This is called the outer loop.
First-order MAML
As illustrated by the previous figure, MAML requires second-order derivatives to compute the gradient at θ. Surprisingly, if we omit the second-order term in matrix A and use the approximation A = I, we also obtain very good results. This algorithm is called first-order MAML (FOMAL). It might be preferable to use it when the dimensions are prohibitively large and the second-order derivatives require too many resources. This figure illustrates how FOMAML differs from MAML:

MAML on MuJoCo
This clip illustrates the behaviour of MAML on the Forward/Backward HalfCheetah environment [9] presented in the previous post. After 1 gradient step, the agent’s policy solves the problem.
A Simple Extension: CAVIA
MAML is a great algorithm, but there is room for improvement. In particular, the need to do a full gradient descent step on all the weights suffers from two major defaults:
- Firstly, updating all the weights requires computing a large gradient demanding a lot of memory and compute.
- Second, the gradient descent updates all the weights based on a few data points only. This is prone to overfitting.
Task-specific and task-independent learning
As mentioned earlier, one goal of meta-learning is to learn the underlying characteristics common to all tasks while recognising task-specific characteristics. Another goal is to quickly identify a task based on little experience and adapt the policy accordingly.
Hence a natural and elegant idea to extend MAML: explicitly separate task-specific and task-independent components in the neural network. The task-independent weights are learned at meta-training. At meta-testing, we simply adapt the task-specific neurons (also called the context) to the new task. With CAVIA [10], we don’t need multiple copies of the neural network because the weights are never modified in the inner loop. We can simply update the context parameters in parallel on multiple tasks in a highly memory-efficient way.
Context adaptation
Here is the general formulation of CAVIA:

Every layer in the network has a set of neurons h that are task-independent and a set of neurons ϕ that are task-specific. These task-specific neurons are initialised at 0 and updated, for a given taskand trajectory, by a gradient ascent step in order to maximise the policy gradient objective:

During meta-training, to learn the parameters θ, we use a gradient ascent step on a new trajectory based on the updated context parameters ϕ:

As with MAML, this gradient step requires second-order derivatives to take into account the dependence of ϕ on θ. And, in the same way, we can also do a first-order approximation to neglect the higher-order term.
CAVIA on MuJoCo tasks
In the MuJoCo meta-environments introduced in the previous blog from [9], CAVIA is applied with a 2-layered neural network and takes into account the context only on the input layer.
Here is an illustration of CAVIA on HalfCheetahDir forward/backward:
- The first idea to adapt to a new task is to use fine-tuning from another similar task.
- To find the best initialisation, MAML directly optimises the loss after one gradient step.
- MAML can quickly adapt to new environments and reach near-optimal return.
- MAML uses second-order derivatives during meta-training. It is possible to use a first-order approximation to reduce the computational needs without significantly degrading performance: this is First-Order MAML (FOMAML).
- In order to account for the difference between task-specific and task-independent components of the neural network, we can learn separately the weights and the context of the neural network (CAVIA).
- CAVIA is easier to parallelise, requires less memory and compute, while outperforming MAML on MuJoCo tasks.
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Thanks to Ian Davies and Clément Bonnet.